Sunday, April 15, 2007

God Bless You, Mr. Vonnegut

Funny how scattershot the informing of me has become.

I was sitting down to a hangover breakfast of eggs and bacon, and jokingly called it "breakfast of champions", only to log on and find out that Kurt Vonnegut, one of the greatest writers and all-around human beings to grace this good Earth passed away a few days ago.

The world just got a little less interesting, a little less bright, and a lot less deeply absurd.

If you haven't read his books, do so. If you don't like them, read them again. You'll learn to.


Annie said...

I have to admit I never even heard of this dude until he died.

Emblita said...

Surrealism has suffered a great blow! But all joking aside, its really sad that the man who managed to write readable literary masterpieces is gone. God bless you Mr. Vonnegut indeed

Anonymous said...

I bought God bless you, Mr. Rosewater a while back. When I finally get around to reading it, he dies. Typical.

Nina said...

I'm not sure I've read any of his books but I saw adaptations of couple of them on stage. Brilliant.