Thursday, February 22, 2007

Accentuate the Positive...

So I finally broke down and bought a gym membership today. Turns out that place Hreyfing right next to work isn't a moving company after all. So soon I will be working out again, which means I'll be more positive, less stressed, less prone to "wallowing in self-pity" as Das Eidles so aptly put it last night.
I just have to get over my intense fear of being ripped off by said gym, and all is good. I have a fear of commitment you see, at least when if comes to my bank account.
Now, I could fill out the rest of this blog with some very inspired ranting about yesterday's cluster fuck at the AST, but I won't. I need to find something new and interesting to rant about. I mean, foreigners ranting about insane children has been done, and done with style at that.
So you won't have to hear about the ninjas and princesses, the plastic sword fights and candy riots, or the sugar-induced psychosis and general mayhem.
At least not yet.
I'm letting it build up you see.
Letting it boil in the pressure cooker of my savage little soul.
And when I'm done moving, and have a nice little post-workout endorphin buzz going on, I'm going to let it all out.
Fear me.


Annie said...

Well done with the gym membership. I have to say I used to hate the idea of the gym, but I actually quite enjoy it these days.

Good luck xxx

Emblita said...

Good on yer mate!
Aren't you moving this weekend?
Call me!