Friday, February 8, 2008


I've had a shit morning.

I mean shit.

I mean, what with the constant rescheduling of me (without my knowledge) which led to the hackle-raising fun of having the functionally retarded cleaning lady mock/bitch at me for not being aware of the third unannounced change to my schedule this week, and the snow-ball kiddy riot wherein the fucking sixth graders (walking arguments for contraception that they are) attacked a group of fifth graders with ice balls to the head, kicks, punches and shoving into the snow, only to break down into tears and squeal like stuck pigs about the unfairness of it all when called out on it.

Alright. Job bitching done.

And I'll save my rant about the upcoming US election that fucking everyone and their mother just has to ask me my opinion on.

Instead, to cheer myself up for Beerday, I'm going to try a comic little experiment.

I'm signing up, and selling out. Just for shits and giggles.

I'm putting Google AdSense on my page.

This amuses me for a plethora of reasons. Like, what the hell kind of products are they going to try to sell based on the contents of my blog? Malatov cocktail kits? Second-hand clothes? Leather child-restraint straps? Tours of fabulous drunken downtown Rvk? Books on anti-consumerism? I want to see what they advertise!

Also, if I make enough to buy a sixpack of beer, I promise to share it with the three people I know read my blog...he he he


Unknown said...

Well with your luck it will end up getting ads for books on how to raise your child, Ann Coulter books (for fighting those filthy godless liberal anarchists before they destroy the values that have made America great, like McCarthyism!) and how to find better paying jobs now. Oh and Viagra. Not because of any of your tags, just because it's standard. It's included in all the packages.

Anonymous said...

Well, I read your blog, and you don't know me, but I'd still like to share your beer!

Emblita said...

Airfare to Iceland apparently....
not that I need that... since I am here. But for the sake of beer I clicked on the ad :)
Don't say your friends don't love you!

Anonymous said...

Wow you would fly all the way to WA just to share a 6 pack of beer with me? Hope your ads pay A LOT. Of course it will have to wait until the baby comes. More time to save. Love ya!