Friday, April 4, 2008

Not dead.

So I chose a dandy time to quit 50% of my job. Just as I was finishing my last day at the school, bamm!, the króna drops 25% and the whole country starts freaking out about a recession. But truth is, I don't much care. I have enough. I even had enough to buy a new bike (remind to tell you about the fun it was putting together) so now I'm pedalling all over the place. I also just found out that after almost a year of living at my place that there is in fact internets. Who knew? Now I just have to figure if the connection can handle wireless...

Meanwhile I've been out in the garage trying to get it ready to take on a new role as laundry room so I can FINALLY install my kitchen, and enjoying the hell out of only working 4 hours a day.

I've got a world of blog built up, what with the "depression" and the slum-lording of RVK, and talk of installing Iceland's first rail system and lots and lots more, but I'm at work and the boss-lady wants her 'puter back....


Anonymous said...

It's not a depression...just a bit of a slump. The kind of slump that leaves people unemployed, homeless and depressed. That kind of slump. Nothing to worry about, really.

Not that there'll much of a difference for some of us. I've been living in a major since I was born.

Anonymous said...

i like slump.very self-depricative-aparna

Anonymous said...

i mean guess-aparna